Thursday, September 27, 2007

Star Wars in bed - is the tooth fairy coming?

Setting: In the car, on the way home from school. I am singing along to a "mixed tape", which is at a very low volume.

F: Mommy I can hear you singing, by yourself.

Me: Do you know what it's called when you are the only one singing? A solo.

F: OH!

Me: And if someone is singing, and there is no music playing, just them singing is all you hear, it's called acapella

F: I sing on-the-pillow all the time, and hans-solo.

By the way, just in case anyone doubted it, J.M. does grill the best steak on the planet. I know this, because 7-year-old SJ freaked out Sunday night because her third loose tooth was so loose, it almost fell out. She wasn't freaking because she feared pain, blood, or a funky-looking smile - it somehow occurred to her just as she was about to pull it out that she might not be able to eat "daddy steak" without that particular tooth! We reminded her of the tooth fairy's generosity, and how she totally seemed to be a master tooth-puller the first two times. She would not be convinced. Then on Monday, we were all "ooooo - now it can fall out at school, and you can get the cool tooth necklace". Nope, it's now Thursday, and that jacked-up tooth is still hanging on by a thread.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Poor Papa

My dad just left after visiting for a couple of days. Poor Papa took a beating while he was here! We had been sitting down in the swing by the river in the few minutes after he had arrived. The entire time, F was literally pinging, off the swing, run around, scream really loudly just as she bounced into Papa's lap, then roll off onto the seat beside him...repeat. I'm sure it was a bit much to come from a quiet 8 hour car ride to a house full of just-got-home-from-school kids in the afternoon crunch time. Anyway, I didn't feel like cooking, so it was time to go in so we could ready ourselves for taking the darlings out into public for dinner. So as we're getting up to walk back to the house:

Me: Goodness, ya'll have got to take it easy on Papa - he's gonna be worn out before he even gets in the house!

F: YEAH, he's REALLY old!!!!! (then, during a full body contraction, a high-pitched squeal that called dogs into the yard from miles around, and full-speed run to the house)

Thank goodness he thinks this is funny.

My dad really enjoys these kids, and seems to get a really big kick out of everything "funny" that they do. From Mel walking the cat (firmly by the tail), to SJ's adult attitude (and questions like "why do you live alone?" and "why did you and Nana break up?"), to F's Fness - you know what I mean. He is so involved with them while he's here - he got Mel to eat at Steak n' Shake by telling him it was all monkey food. Of course, he shows up with, literally, a shopping bag full of mini candy bars and cookies, I guess to fuel the madness that entertains him.

It's always fun when he's here, because I can enjoy my life and its insane funniness through another's eyes.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Girl, no you di'int

Christie is the PERFECT Marine Corps wife. While borrowing her car while in CA, I discovered what every military wife's ashtray should have - an emergency string of pearls! Oh, and don't forget the nifty "oh, you need a fork, a hiking stick, and some dental hygiene equipment? NO PROBLEM" knife. That girl, I swear. Here I was thinking what a great friendship we had going with her not making her bed and all, and she had to go and do this...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

In blogger land, what is it that you do when you've been a crappy blogger, and you want to write something - it's been too long for a true catch-up. I think I'll just start with right now.

My hubby and I just got back from our anniversary trip to San Clemente, CA. It was, in a word, perfect. Great friends, great weather, great time! JM and I never thought we would be caught saying "I miss California already - I'm ready to go back"! Being around Christie again was as fun as I thought it would be, and it was truly enjoyable to see her as a pregnant lady. She even neglected making her bed, just so we could still be friends - what a gal! Plus, I feel WAY better about the way I become a space cadet while pregnant, because for a girl who's always got it all together, she was dingin' out the whole time we were there.

OK, so I have to brag on me a little. We went skydiving at Lake Elsinore, and I REALLY DID IT!!!!! It was such an undescribable experience - I wish I could explain it, but I can't. I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane at 12,500 ft, and freefell for almost a minute. My mind keeps flashing back to "that" moment, on my knee in the open door of the plane, then just jumping out, and flying. It was so unreal that I sorta can't believe I did it. Thank goodness I have pictures.

And then there's that uncanny ability Christie has in drawing dead people out to plant themselves right across the street from wherever we are - it's almost scary to be friends with that chick! Seriously, we had been in our hotel room a grand total of 45 minutes, door to the balcony wide open, enjoying the ocean breeze. We were dozing in and out of nap mode, when JM hears some "radio traffic" down below. We look out to see a guy sprawled out on the lawn across the street, with a lifeguard doing CPR on him. I'll hand it to the paramedics, they handled themselves very well, no rush, no panic, just another day doing a crappy job in the most beautiful setting. In true California fashion, "dudes" were just strolling by with their surfboards, riding their bikes, walking their dogs - nobody seemed miffed. Gross and weird that my first pics in Cali were of the dead guy across the street.

Anyway, the trip was such a nice break from reality, and it's been tough to get back in the swing of things. My hubby was so funny, and all of us laughed so hard. Now, see why I have abs of steel (tee hee)! It was like the trip was full of catch phrases, like we were in our own little movie. Who will ever forget "Ola Beaches!!!!" as we entered the nice Mexican restaurant Christie had been wanting to try out. And the tune "lalalalalalalalala" (you had to be there). And this late October's festivities will be much more enjoyable now with "Howmaweem", "full mooms", and such. GAH!!! we miss Christie and Brian so much....