Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Soccer would suck.

F-bomb in the car today, completely out of the blue:

"I SURE AM GLAD they don't have soccer in the dessert! ONE: it would be hard to kick the ball in the sand, and TWO: Daddy would be even MORE SWEATY!"

OK F-bomb! Whatever you say!


Elyse said...

you gotta love how her mind works!!

Anonymous said...

Love this picture of F!! It is so HER!

rmeman said...

I guess she forgot that Daddy don't play soccer. There is, however, lots of soccer played over here. I like to call it moving target practice. I don't know why they continue to run when we shoot at 'em, they just die tired! (No, we don't really shoot people playing soccer, I said that to use the die tired thing.)