Thursday, June 28, 2007

Blizzards and woodchips

We found that F's 2nd day of camp was quite an adventure, as she was "initiated" by the other kids, and gladly, passed the test. Too bad the test involved pulling down one's panties on the playground and letting the other 4 year old campers put wood chips in your behiney crack. The original trick (it started a few weeks ago, before F entered the picture) was running up behind your friend, pulling their pants and undies away from their body, and throwing a handful of woodchips in there. Miss Tammy, the teacher, thought she had them all broken of it, but no, F's arrival proved to conjure up old fond memories of fun times past in the seasoned campers' minds, and F was more than willing to help them out, being the kindhearted giver that she is...
So of course, what better topic for dinner conversation this evening, right? Daddy was trying to make sure F understood that's not something we do and why, but that it was somewhat normal as we fought a similar battle with SJ showing her panties at school at this age, at which time SJ chimes in with her most mature manner stating, "oh, it happened every day"! Like she had been just as frustrated with the situation she was in way-back-when as we were. It was hard to hold it together at this point for me, so F found an opportunity to change the subject - she moved on to the "blizzard" she got on her foot from her shoes rubbing the wrong way, and promptly flopped her gray-brown bottomed foot up onto the table to show us. I guess "How to be a Lady 101" was an utter failure for today, but I have the feeling there will plenty more occassion for that lesson to be revisited.

1 comment:

Killjoy said...

It's 6 am and I'm on the computer next to Brian trying not to wake him up, until I read this. I'm busting up. Then I recalled me telling her one day "Hey, I see your panties." And her replying, "THEN DON'T LOOK!" God love her.