Monday, September 17, 2007

Girl, no you di'int

Christie is the PERFECT Marine Corps wife. While borrowing her car while in CA, I discovered what every military wife's ashtray should have - an emergency string of pearls! Oh, and don't forget the nifty "oh, you need a fork, a hiking stick, and some dental hygiene equipment? NO PROBLEM" knife. That girl, I swear. Here I was thinking what a great friendship we had going with her not making her bed and all, and she had to go and do this...


Marianna said...

I popped over from Christie's blog... yep, that about sums it up! Pearls & utility knife!


suckitup-buttercup said...

She's the greatest, isn't she?!

rmeman said...

Yeah, but she got the knife idea from me!

Killjoy said...

I got the knife idea from your dead friends across the street in GA! You never know when you might have to cut someone.

rmeman said...

Yeah, I remember the wife was stabbed to death. Hmmm, make me wonder......Killa!!!!

Killjoy said...

I thought he slit her throat?